Day 6 🇧🇷 Delegation of the Day : Brazil !
Today's Saturday, our five Brazilians are speaking to you.
We woke everyone up with Brazilian music like "Bosso Novo", "Funk" and some of our rap.
Following our schedule, we had breakfast, cleaning groups and then the first activity of our day. We had to be blind-folded and the people of the planning group took us in order to let us somewhere in the camp. They left us and we didn't know what to do but then we realized we had to find each other. So we were shouting and clapping, a real jungle !

After that we ate lunch and had our second activity which was small activities : a human sized "rock, paper, scissors".

The last activity was fun as well. We finished it by making a big CISV signs.

In the delegation of the day we try to demonstrate our culture and tastes, principally during the "wake up" and "lullabies".