Day 7 🇦🇷 Delegation of the Day : Argentina !
The first activity was our cultural activity ! We worked with different social actors points of view : discrimination against low-class people, deforestation, economic measures that are taken in Argentina. Social differences generate conflicts which may lead to violence and resentment. We reflect on our own countries, our impact in the community. To be realistic thinkers we should put ourselves in someone else's shoes and experience the world.

The second activity was about recycling. We gathered garbage and we turned them into something useful (or not). Some people made a bookshelf out of a cardboard, some others a game to play.

We also played sardines, Andale with a Mexican accent and the human knot.
The last activity was a "Clue" , a Chinese master as we call that kind of game. The objective was to find the killer of Joe.
At the lullabies we sang "Lemon Tree", "Cups", "Good People", "El Fanstasma", "Hotel California", "Hey Delilah".